Nami gave birth to 5 happy, healthy puppies on May 28th. It was a surprise pregnancy that has been keeping me busy since shortly after she arrived at my house. Labor and delivery was all fairly easy, and for that, I am very grateful. She delivered 4 males and 1 female. All puppies are white/cream.
This is my first litter, Nami's first litter, and she is the first "yushoku" Kishu that I know of to have a litter outside of Japan--- it's all very exciting! I did have to bring her to the vet for the three days following her delivery. She retained some placenta and needed some IV fluids, medication, and care, but she and all the puppies made it through just fine.
All puppies are purebred and will be NIPPO registered. I've been spending my time trying to come up with a kennel name to register when I redo Nami's paperwork in my name.
Many people were very excited for this litter, and I had quite a few people interested in puppies, but I noticed a sharp decrease in interest when the puppies turned out all white. I can respect color preferences, but it was a little disappointing. The Kishu pups don't seem to get the same kind of love the other NK breeds do. Maybe it's because there's so little Kishu representation in the US. I hope we can change that!
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